Manufacture and installation of joineries for a renovation by Confort Habitat

A house with character

Lachassagne, this wine village in Beaujolais and its castle built on medieval ruins are a well of history with pronounced taste.

Vineyard, winery and cellars are a part of the heritage since the 18th century. The wine production, as a heritage, is transmitted from generation to generation to the operators’ families.

This is the story of this winemaker couple, as passionate about black gold as old buildings.

For their principal residence, they naturally decided to invest in an old farm with golden stones. A building that testifies on its own of the historical wealth of the harlequins’ village.

With the help of an architect, a home decorator, a multitude of expert artisans and Confort Habitat, Installux manufacturer Partner, the couple transformed this farm in a true house of character. Who is more legitimate than a local artisan, true connoisseur of the region and its architectural charms, to adapt to the remaining building and create new openings?


Bring back an old building

“This family, really attached to her territory, wishes a proper renovation for her future living space.

Our capacity to lead a construction site on that scale and our expertise in terms of renovation and personalized manufacture have been determinant criteria. We are a local company, located at less than 4km from the construction site. Our numerous references comforted the architect and the clients in their choice.

Our work needed a total synchro with different professions. In fact, it’s the all house, in other words more than 300m2, which were renovated from floor to ceiling! Only the walls, with a unique cachet, were conserved.

The masonry part was gigantic: about 30 windows spread between the ground floor and upstairs, sometimes fix, sometimes sliding, all completed with shutters. The installation was as strategic as the technic study and the manufacture. We followed the mason’s rhythm to install the windows in sets of five or six. It was vital to allow the other professions to follow the path.”

Sylvain Petrozzi
Confort Habitat (69)

Renovate respecting the house’s DNA

Fabrication et pose de menuiserie par Confort Habitat à Lachassagne

The artisan opted for the Installux’s high performance joineries solution. In fact, the Galaxie® 32TH sliders as well as the Espace® 70TH windows perfectly combine performance and esthetics for exigent and architectural projects. Their customizable design allows a harmonization of all the openings.

“To create an equilibrated esthetic between the windows and the golden stones façade, we suggested the architect a RAL 7022 in frosted mat finishing”, specifies the artisan. An elegant grey that shows a certain character without taking over the stones. The aluminum was a commune choice between the architect and the owners. They wished fine profiles by offering a good thermic isolation. The artisan also integrated aluminum cross bars, “kindling” style, in the windows’ glazing. An elegant way to bring back the charm of yesteryear. Similarly, the windows’ frames were doted of festoons realized with laser cutting in sheet metal, painted in the joineries’ color. This way, they hide the brise-soleil.


The professional’s testimony




“As manufacturer artisans, we have been able to meet the architect’s very precise specifications. This construction site was a meticulous work of all instants. We had to find the right balance between the tailor-made joineries and the complex timing. The golden stonewalls were not straight. Our research department had to realize an important work of technical analyze beforehand to guaranty a spotless manufacture and installation, without surprises. Because in practice, manufacture windows in the good dimensions is not enough… For this type of work, the technical preparation is crucial and led to 150h of manufacture and 250h of installation. A gigantic and collective project! Our perfect knowledge of this type of building’s renovation allowed us to propose the best solutions.”

Sylvain Petrozzi
Installux partner manufacturer
Confort Habitat









Project sheet

The project photographies

Fabrication et pose de menuiserie par Confort Habitat à Lachassagne